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Lexington Residents Take Precautions as Overnight Frost and Graupel Threaten Garden Plants

Lexington Residents Take Precautions as Overnight Frost and Graupel Threaten Garden Plants

Lexington, Ky. experienced overnight frost and reports of graupel on Tuesday, prompting local plant enthusiasts to take action to protect their gardens. With colder temperatures forecasted for the week, experts are advising residents on the best practices for safeguarding their outdoor plants.

According to Joe Ellis, cofounder of Sunshine Grow Shop, many plants show signs of distress when exposed to cold weather. “A lot of times, the plants are just unhappy in the cold,” he explained. Visual indicators of frost damage include wilted leaves and discolored blooms. “It’s rare that the frost will actually just kill the plant unless it’s a very significant frost, maybe dropping around 30-32 degrees,” Ellis added.

As the day warms up, gardeners should evaluate the condition of their plants. Slight browning of outer flower petals may indicate frost impact, and in such cases, it is recommended to remove the affected blooms to facilitate healing.

For those unable to bring their plants indoors, covering them with a blanket or towel overnight is advisable. “Throw it across the canopy and then wait till about 10 a.m. or so and take it off,” Ellis cautioned. He emphasized the importance of timing, noting that removing coverings too early may allow frost to settle and cause further damage.

Ellis also provided guidance on which plants are better suited for cold weather. “Pansies love the cold weather,” he noted, suggesting they are likely to thrive. In contrast, tightly budded plants like certain mums can typically withstand frost without issue. However, more sensitive annuals such as begonias may not fare as well.

Residents living near rivers or creeks should be particularly vigilant, as these areas may experience heightened frost impact due to localized temperature variances.

As Lexington continues to face fluctuating temperatures, taking proactive steps to protect plants can help ensure healthier gardens as spring approaches.

Lexington Residents Take Precautions as Overnight Frost and Graupel Threaten Garden Plants

HERE Lexington
Author: HERE Lexington

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