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Lexington City Leaders Consider Implementing Paid Leave for Urban County Government Workers Affected by Domestic Violence

"Government Building, Domestic Violence Awareness Ribbon"

Paid Leave for Domestic Violence Victims Under Consideration at Lexington City Hall

Proposed Expansion of Paid Leave Policy for Urban County Government Workers

In an unprecedented move to support victims of domestic violence and other crimes, Lexington city leaders are taking into consideration the expansion of the paid leave policy for urban county government workers. The proposal received approval from the Council committee on Tuesday, opening the doors for a potential transformative change in providing support for employees in need.

If realized, qualified civil service employees in the urban county would gain the opportunity to avail up to 56 hours of paid leave every calendar year should they fall victim to domestic violence or other forms of crime. This provision comes as a stance to bolster support for victims in their most vulnerable times.

How the Proposed Leave Policy Will Work

According to Stephanie Theakston, a social services department representative, the proposed time off can be used by the employee to seek immediate medical attention or recover from physical or psychological injuries sustained from a criminal act. Additionally, the time may also be utilized to obtain services from victim service organizations or secure counseling or other treatments for themselves or their affected children. The ultimate goal, per Theakston, is for the government to serve as the guiding light for the private sector – it is a policy she believes isn’t largely adopted in the local private domain.

Leading by Example

Council Member Liz Sheehan shared the hope that private-sector employers would follow suit and establish similar policies. She advocated for ensuring that an individual’s employment status or financial stability is not jeopardized because of their status as a crime victim. She voiced that assisting employees as they navigate through medical appointments, legal hearings, and mental health sessions is primarily the right thing to do.

The specifics of the expanded paid leave policy stress that participation would not necessitate an emergency protective order or a formal police report. The decision is subject to the jurisdiction of the City’s Human Resources Department. The provision has a ceiling of 240 allowable hours, with unpaid leave allocated beyond the initial 56 hours. The proposal has moved onto the full Council for further discussions and approval.

If actualized, this policy will not only support the victims from within the civil service, but it also sets a significant precedent for other entities, especially in the private sector. In taking a step towards ensuring the wellbeing of their employees, Lexington could be heralding a crucial change for victims not only in the city but potentially all over the country.

Lexington City Leaders Consider Implementing Paid Leave for Urban County Government Workers Affected by Domestic Violence

HERE Lexington
Author: HERE Lexington

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