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Lexington Woman Endures Winter Without Heat Despite Prompting Apartment Complex Since October

Woman huddling in cold apartment

Bracing the Cold: Lexington Woman Struggles Without Heat Since October

In a distressing revelation, a Lexington resident, Shanteria Williams, has been without heat in her apartment since October 1. Despite repeated complaints and several attempts for resolution, Williams continues to grapple with the chilly predicament, enduring the harsh winter weather for the past five months.

A Struggle Unresolved

Williams first noticed the absence of heat when her vents started to blow cool air instead of warm. Since that day on October 1, her efforts to get the heating system fixed have led to no resolution. She expressed her frustration, saying, “Every time I call or reach out, they make it seem like I’m a problem, when all I want is my heat fixed.”

A Temporary Solution, an Ongoing Problem

In an attempt to help, the Park View apartment complex provided Williams with two space heaters. However, following recent cold snaps, these temporary measures proved to be ineffective. Williams bared her distress, stating, “To come home and have to wait for your apartment to warm up to take a shower is outrageous. I should have heat. It says in my lease, I should have heat. I pay for utilities in my rent, so I don’t understand why I can’t get heat.”

Responses to Williams’ Plight

In response to her situation, the apartment complex, disappointingly, denied Williams’ request for financial compensation on her rent. Further, they proposed that she vacate the apartment at the end of her lease in October. This did not sit well with Williams, who said, “I really don’t want to stay here after going through everything with them, but it’s like I’m settled in now. I’ve made this like home, and I’ve invested a lot of my time and money into it, so it’s just like, to be asked to move, that’s a slap in the face”.

Neighbors in Similar Circumstances

Worryingly, Shanteria disclosed her neighbors have also reported the absence of heating. She elaborated on this, noting, “When I called code enforcement, he told me that there were other people here that had reached out about not having heat, too, and their units were ordered as well.”

Looking for Resolution

The potential condemnation of the apartment by code enforcement did not sit well with Williams, who felt this would only exacerbate her situation. Expressing her discontent with the proposed solution, she stated, “To have to pack up and move everything in the middle of winter, look for a place to move, money and all of that, so it’s just like I’m at a lose-lose situation here”.

Promise of a Permanent Solution

After repeated complaints, code enforcement noted that new units have been purchased. These were promised to be installed last week, but Williams is still waiting. She was further reassured that Tuesday would be the definitive date for the problem to be resolved.

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Lexington Woman Endures Winter Without Heat Despite Prompting Apartment Complex Since October

HERE Lexington
Author: HERE Lexington

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